Found this online from another person's petition against La Estrella Adult Daycare.

La Estrella Adult Daycare had a lot of problems over the past few years. One of them is petitions. Being this is my first petition I am learning as I'm going and receiving lots of advice. However, I will be sharing information from other petition here. I will start with this poster that was shared on a petition.

This is Thomas Allen Mead. He was previously a client at La Estrella Adult Daycare and was "allegedly" (sic) molesting female clients at La Estrella Adult Daycare.

He no longer at La Estrella Adult Daycare but he is a registered sex offender. Sex offenders at Adult Daycare and "allegedly" sexual harassing clients bad move for the daycare.

If I remember correctly there was a investigation that resulted in him being discharged. I'm not going to write more because of the privacy rights of his victims at La Estrella Adult Daycare but you can't help but wonder about the character of the people who run this daycare.

In closing, how many more sex offenders still attend La Estrella Adult Daycare? Please take this in consideration when your choosing a daycare and the risks of having sex offenders as clients.

My advice find another daycare for your love ones. These people are of bad character and integrity is not their strong suit.

Please Follow link below to sign petition to end abuse and sexual harassment & molestation at La Estrella Adult Daycare.
