Wrongfully terminated from Adult Daycare? Now what you do?
As they reach adulthood, young people with disabilities also reach a crossroads in care. Although they reached adulthood some real-life problems.
For adults with disabilities, a parent or other relative’s care can be safe and reliable, but some may also find it limiting or even stifling. For parents, letting go of care taking duties may be difficult. That when adult Daycare or adult activity centers come in.
Young adults with disabilities can attend public school until age 21, and afterwards some find that day programs provide a similar structure and continued education. Providing a variety of educational services, these programs help adults work on life skills while socializing with a community of peers. Sometimes these peer can bring real world problems.
My experience at La Estrella Adult Daycare was a traumatic one. I had to deal with harassment, intimidation & lies. In most cases I witnessed abuse (emotional and physical) and outright sexual harassment and rape. Those things La Estrella Adult Daycare Center denies ever happened but it the truth that was very craftly covered up.
What is Abuse?
Abuse happens to people of all ethnicities and income levels and can be physical, sexual or emotional in nature.
1. Abuse – the infliction of physical, sexual, or emotional injury or harm including financial exploitation by any person, business or company.
2. Neglect – the failure to provide services to an eligible adult by any person, firm or corporation with a legal or contractual duty to do so, when such failure presents either an imminent danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the client or a substantial probability that death or serious physical harm would result .
3. Financial Exploitation – A person commits the crime of financial exploitation of an elderly or disabled person if such person knowingly and by deception, intimidation, or force obtains control over the elderly or disabled person's property with the intent to permanently deprive the elderly or disabled person of the use, benefit or possession of his or her property thereby benefiting such person or detrimentally affecting the elderly or disabled person.
4. Bullying – intimidation or harassment that causes a reasonable person to fear for his or her physical safety or property and may consist of physical actions including gestures; cyberbullying; oral, electronic, or written communication; and any threat of retaliation for reporting of such acts.
Who can Report Abuse?
Anyone who suspects someone is being abused, neglected, or exploited can make a report. Certain professionals, however, are mandated by law to report.
What about my rights?
Daycare clients has the right to:
1. be free from mental and physical abuse;
2. voice grievances;
3. be treated with respect and dignity;
4. protection
Your daycare has a Bill of Rights that give you more protections.
What to do if your wrongly discharged?
First don't panic. It not your fault so you don't have to feel guilty about being discharged. Call the state and have the daycare center investigated. Don't think the investigator is your friend. They don't avocate for clients. If your not reinstated move on but spread awareness about the abusive acts that going in in that daycare. Be aware although they thought they got away with abusing client they didn't. Old habits die young and they are less likely to give up their abusive habits. That works in your favour because history always repeats itself when they think they got aways with something.
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