Former La Estrella Adult Daycare client (Registered Sex Offender) impregnates a special needs woman the tried to flush baby down a toilet.

A Former client of La Estrella Adult Daycare impregnated a woman with Special Needs that in return tried to flush the baby down the toilet at a local San Antonio park and ride. I personally know Thomas Mead he was client at La Estrella Adult Day Care in San Antonio Texas. He was an active cliwnt at the time that he impregnated this woman. According to the story I was told Thomas Mead invited his baby's mother to a Halloween party slash birthday gathering for another client from daycare. He got angery and sent her away and she gave birth in a restroom. Thomas always were using sexual harassing words behaviors and gestures at the times while he was at daycare. Unfortunately, for the longest time the daycare was defending him and denying the harassment episodes even happened. He made comments about the breasts and buttocks of women the suffered from intellectual disorders in Down syndrome. On one occasion hot scene him touch a woman with Down Syndrome on her abdomen and her breasts. This was also investigated by the then director of the daycare.

This client was a registered sex offender that is currently on the Texas sex offender registry. He continued his criminal career and Adult Day Care molesting disabled clients. This happen in the property. Eventually, he was discharged because they couldn't hide his violations of these clients anymore. Do you feel safe with registered sex offenders in adult daycare? Do you feel comfortable with a registered sex offender inside an Adult Day Care asking for sexual favors?  It happened. It happened at La Estrella Adult Daycare.

Please sign our petition to stop abuse at La Estrella Adult Daycare.

Read article here.


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