Not Under New Management. La Estrella Daycare deceives the public.

La Estrella Adult Daycare Aka La Estrella Adult Activity Center is being less than truthful about their claims about being under "New Management".

I was a client there and I can tell you that Maria Elena Suarez has been employed by La Estrella Adult Daycare for several months and continues with the daycare legacy is abuse and bigotry.

Some people might ask questions about Ms Suarez integrity and my opinion is she is Rotten to the core.

La Estrella Adult Daycare is a place that no client needs to attend because of the experience that I had as a client.

I personally witnessed abuse and neglect and the retaliation that comes when someone reports it.

I not telling anyone what to do or what daycare or activity center to attend but I must ask you why put yourself or a love one at risk?

I seen a director provoke a client and call the police on him for speaking up for himself. I was also told about threats of legal actions for speaking with others about abusive behaviours.

Why would you want your love ones going to a center that has a history of trying to incarcerate and disenfranchise disabled people?
